int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int err = 1;
struct lxc_conf *conf; //初始化config结构
char *const *args; //传递的参数
char *rcfile = NULL; //指定配置文件
char *const default_args[] = { //默认的args参数
struct lxc_container *c; //lxc-container 的结构体
struct lxc_conf {
int is_execute; //容器是否在执行
char *fstab; //fstab?
int tty; //tty的个数
int pts; //pts的个数?
int reboot; //重启?
int need_utmp_watch; //字面翻译 需要utmp 查看
signed long personality; //字面翻译 特点
struct utsname *utsname; //ustname
struct lxc_list cgroup; //cgroup list lxc_list只是简单的链表结构
struct lxc_list id_map; //id_map list
struct lxc_list network; //network list
struct saved_nic *saved_nics;//saved_nics 结构
int num_savednics; //savednics数量?
int auto_mounts; //auto_mounts?
struct lxc_list mount_list; //mount_list list?
struct lxc_list caps; //caps list?
struct lxc_list keepcaps; //keepcaps list?
struct lxc_tty_info tty_info; //tty的相关信息
struct lxc_console console; //console的结构体
struct lxc_rootfs rootfs; //rootfs的结构体
char *ttydir; //tty目录
int close_all_fds; //关闭所有fd
struct lxc_list hooks[NUM_LXC_HOOKS]; //hooks 函数
char *lsm_aa_profile; //?
char *lsm_se_context; //?
int tmp_umount_proc; //?
char *seccomp; // filename with the seccomp rules #if HAVE_SCMP_FILTER_CTX
scmp_filter_ctx seccomp_ctx; #endif
int maincmd_fd; //?
int autodev; // if 1, mount and fill a /dev at start
int haltsignal; // signal used to halt container
int stopsignal; // signal used to hard stop container
int kmsg; // if 1, create /dev/kmsg symlink
char *rcfile; // Copy of the top level rcfile we read
// Logfile and loglevel can be set in a container config file.
// Those function as defaults. The defaults can be overriden
// by command line. However we don't want the command line
// specified values to be saved on c->save_config(). So we
// store the config file specified values here.
char *logfile; // the logfile as specifed in config
int loglevel; // loglevel as specifed in config (if any)
int inherit_ns_fd[LXC_NS_MAX];
int start_auto;
int start_delay;
int start_order;
struct lxc_list groups;
int nbd_idx;
/* set to true when rootfs has been setup */
bool rootfs_setup; };
type Hijacker interface { Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) } //返回连接接口net.Conn和ReadWriter,bufio读写的 // Hijack lets the caller take over the connection. —–Hijack让调用者管理连接 GoTTY 是一个简单的基于 Go 语言的命令行工具,它可以将你的终端(TTY)作为 web 程序共享。它会将命令行工具转换为 web 程序。
nginx 配置 server { listen 80; server_name; root /root/go/src/godev; index index.html; #gzip off; #proxy_buffering off;
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