SO_REUSEPORT 套接字选项 从 Linux 3.9内核版本之后Linux网络协议栈开始支持 SO_REUSEPORT 套接字选项,这个新的选项允许一个主机上的多个套接字绑定到同一个端口上,它的目的是提高运行在多核CPU上的多线程网络服务应用的处理性能。 On a high level, compilers are viewed as a single, solid, single-step-worker entity. A Gopher, aka Go programmer, interacts with the Go compiler via the abstractions of go build or go install commands. However, compilers, in their ideal form, consist of three layers creatively named: frontend, middle-end, and backend. The single go {build,install} command embarks on a journey through the three layers to convert the raw Go source code into machine code. The frontend ingests the source code, perform lexical, syntactical, and semantical analyses to verify all the language level constraints are met and sensical. The frontend then generates what is known as intermediate representation (IR) to handout to the middle-end. The middle-end does not know the syntax of the language nor does it know the machine language. The middle-end is responsible for optimization via symbolic manipulation. The backend converts the IR into machine code suitable for the intended architecture.
行业背景 零售行业困局 目标 业务中台的理念 服务如何沉淀 技术体系与建议 业务中台的技术要求 产品体系与建议 全渠道营销解决方案 泛电商解决方案 客户管理系统解决方案 行业背景 政策因素:包括供给侧改革,合理调整产能,增加有效和中高端供给。中国制造2025,信息技术与制造技术相结合,推动生产管理和营销模式变革。“十三五”规划纲要,加快建设数字中国。
go tool pprof -http=:8080 Fetching profile over HTTP from ^[[A parsing profile: unrecognized profile format failed to fetch any source profiles