t’s not a secret that the world of software development is going through some massive changes: the increasing speed of releases, the advent of microservices and distributed infrastructures, and more. Rather than relying on a single technology to do everything, developers are able to select the best tools for each task. And one of the technologies that is enabling that change is Go. At Sqreen, we see these changes first hand. Since we started Sqreen in 2015, one of the most requested enhancements has consistently been support for the Go language. package main
GitHub 前一段时间推出了自家的自动化构建工具:GitHub Actions,不过目前还没有开放注册,只能通过申请等待官方审核。我第一时间就提交了申请,现在已经审核通过了,所以第一时间体验了 GitHub Actions 的功能,总体感受是 Travis CI 之类的工具应该现在在墙角瑟瑟发抖吧😄?
DDD:四色原型、DDD、DCI之间的关系 PPT对应某个聚合。 Des对应某个聚合或其它聚合内的实体或值对象。 MI对应某个聚合。 Role对应PPT(Data)在某个上下文(Context)执行某些交互(Interactive)的代理或装饰器。 四色原型中的一些静态方法需要移动到仓储或服务中。