Sometimes you have to solve a problem that comes in several flavours. Usually complicated problems do not offer a single solution, but there are several solutions that are optimal or terrible depending on which subset of that problem the program will have to solve at runtime.
go mod 后,安装默认都只会进入第一个 GOPATH go env -w GOPROXY=,direct export GOPROXY=,direct 再次查看GOPATH 发现多了pkg文件夹,查看该文件夹,此时pkg/mod就是缓存的依赖。 $ls pkg/ darwin_amd64 mod sumdb
JSON(JavaScript 对象表示,JavaScript Object Notation)作为一种轻量级的数据交换格式1,在今天几乎占据了绝大多数的市场份额。虽然与更紧凑的数据交换格式相比,它的序列化和反序列化性能不足,但是它也提供了良好的可读性与易用性,在不追求机制性能的情况下,JSON 是一种非常好的选择。