es Bulk
bulk := client.Bulk()

// Elasticsearch _id counter starts at 0
docID := 0

// Iterate over the slice of Elasticsearch documents
for _, doc := range docs {

// Incrementally change the _id number in each iteration

// Convert the _id integer into a string
idStr := strconv.Itoa(docID)

// Create a new int64 float from time package for doc timestamp
doc.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()
fmt.Println(“ntime.Now().Unix():”, doc.Timestamp)

// Declate a new NewBulkIndexRequest() instance
req := elastic.NewBulkIndexRequest()

// Assign custom values to the NewBulkIndexRequest() based on the Elasticsearch
// index and the request type
req.OpType(“index”) // set type to “index” document
//req.Type(“_doc”) // Doc types are deprecated (default now _doc)

// Print information about the NewBulkIndexRequest object
fmt.Println(“req:”, req)
fmt.Println(“req TYPE:”, reflect.TypeOf(req))

// Add the new NewBulkIndexRequest() to the client.Bulk() instance
bulk = bulk.Add(req)
fmt.Println(“NewBulkIndexRequest().NumberOfActions():”, bulk.NumberOfActions())

// Do() sends the bulk requests to Elasticsearch
bulkResp, err := bulk.Do(ctx)

Category storage