

  Verify MySQL replication integrity by checking master and replica data consistency
  Efficiently archive rows
  Find duplicate indexes
  Summarize MySQL servers
  Analyze queries from logs and tcpdump
  Collect vital system information when problems occur


    * Perl v5.8 or newer
    * Bash v3 or newer
    * Core Perl modules like Time::HiRes
    # perl –version |head -2 #检查perl版本
    # bash –version          #检查bash版本

    # tar zxvf percona-toolkit-.tar.gz
    # cd percona-toolkit-
    # perl Makefile.PL   (安装到非缺省目录 perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=${HOME})
    # make
    # make test
    # make install


  获取有关命令行的帮助信息,直接在shell提示符下输入命令行与–hlep即可。如: /usr/bin/pt-upgrade –help
  # ls -hltr /usr/bin/pt-*
    #并行查看SHOW GLOBAL STATUS的多个样本的信息。
    #可以将数据插入另外一台服务器的其他表中,也可以写入到一个文件中,方便使用load data infile命令导入数据。
    #基于Percona Cloud的一个客户端代理工具

     #同时也可以生成相应的drop index的语句

With asynchronous replication, the master writes events to its binary log and slaves request them when they are ready. There is no guarantee that any event will ever reach any slave.
With fully synchronous replication, when a master commits a transaction, all slaves also will have committed the transaction before the master returns to the session that performed the transaction. The drawback of this is that there might be a lot of delay to complete a transaction.
Semisynchronous replication falls between asynchronous and fully synchronous replication. The master waits only until at least one slave has received and logged the events. It does not wait for all slaves to acknowledge receipt, and it requires only receipt, not that the events have been fully executed and committed on the slave side.

那么如何判断主库与从库之间是否存在延迟呢?延迟又是多少?当我们在从库执行show slave status\G查看复制状态时,其中有一个字段是Seconds_Behind_Master,从字面上理解其意思是当前从库落后主库的秒数。

上Google搜索下关键词MySQL Seconds_Behind_Master,可以看到很多博文不推荐通过Seconds_Behind_Master去监控数据库是否存在延迟。先看下MySQL官方文档关于Seconds_Behind_Master的解释:

When the slave is actively processing updates, this field shows the difference between the current timestamp on the slave and the original timestamp logged on the master for the event currently being processed on the slave.
When no event is currently being processed on the slave, this value is 0.
Seconds_Behind_Master的计算规则是:从库当前的时间戳 - 从库SQL线程当前正在执行的事件记录的主库的时间戳
In essence, this field measures the time difference in seconds between the slave SQL thread and the slave I/O thread. If the network connection between master and slave is fast, the slave I/O thread is very close to the master, so this field is a good approximation of how late the slave SQL thread is compared to the master. If the network is slow, this is not a good approximation; the slave SQL thread may quite often be caught up with the slow-reading slave I/O thread, so Seconds_Behind_Master often shows a value of 0, even if the I/O thread is late compared to the master. In other words, this column is useful only for fast networks.

如果从库与主库之间的网络传输速度很快,即IO线程能一直从主库获取到最新的二进制日志,那么Seconds_Behind_Master其实也就表示了SQL线程和IO线程之间的时间差。 如果网络很慢,且SQL线程总是能跟上IO线程,那么Seconds_Behind_Master就会经常出现0值(即此时IO线程仍在接收主库传来的二进制日志,而SQL线程已经把已收到的主库二进制日志处理完了),即使IO线程正在接收的二进制日志并非是最新的。

This time difference computation works even if the master and slave do not have identical clock times, provided that the difference, computed when the slave I/O thread starts, remains constant from then on. Any changes—including NTP updates—can lead to clock skews that can make calculation of Seconds_Behind_Master less reliable.

Seconds_Behind_Master的计算不受主库和从库之间时间不一致的影响,主库和从库之间的时间差在IO线程启动时就计算好了。任何对主库、从库时间调整的操作都可能导致Seconds_Behind_Master的计算结果不可靠。所以Seconds_Behind_Master的真正计算规则是:从库当前的时间戳 - 从库SQL线程当前正在执行的事件记录的主库的时间戳 - 从库与主库的时间差

This field is NULL (undefined or unknown) if the slave SQL thread is not running, or if the slave I/O thread is not running or is not connected to the master. For example, if the slave I/O thread is running but is not connected to the master and is sleeping for the number of seconds given by the CHANGE MASTER TO statement or –master-connect-retry option (default 60) before reconnecting, the value is NULL. This is because the slave cannot know what the master is doing, and so cannot say reliably how late it is.


The value of Seconds_Behind_Master is based on the timestamps stored in events, which are preserved through replication. This means that if a master M1 is itself a slave of M0, any event from M1’s binary log that originates from M0’s binary log has M0’s timestamp for that event. This enables MySQL to replicate TIMESTAMP successfully. However, the problem for Seconds_Behind_Master is that if M1 also receives direct updates from clients, the Seconds_Behind_Master value randomly fluctuates because sometimes the last event from M1 originates from M0 and sometimes is the result of a direct update on M1.



Seconds_Behind_Master: if SQL thread is running and I/O thread is
connected, we can compute it otherwise show NULL (i.e. unknown).
if ((mi->slave_running == MYSQL_SLAVE_RUN_CONNECT) &&
long time_diff= ((long)(time(0) - mi->rli.last_master_timestamp)
- mi->clock_diff_with_master);
Apparently on some systems time_diff can be <0. Here are possible
reasons related to MySQL:
- the master is itself a slave of another master whose time is ahead.
- somebody used an explicit SET TIMESTAMP on the master.
Possible reason related to granularity-to-second of time functions
(nothing to do with MySQL), which can explain a value of -1:
assume the master's and slave's time are perfectly synchronized, and
that at slave's connection time, when the master's timestamp is read,
it is at the very end of second 1, and (a very short time later) when
the slave's timestamp is read it is at the very beginning of second
2. Then the recorded value for master is 1 and the recorded value for
slave is 2. At SHOW SLAVE STATUS time, assume that the difference
between timestamp of slave and rli->last_master_timestamp is 0
(i.e. they are in the same second), then we get 0-(2-1)=-1 as a result.
This confuses users, so we don't go below 0: hence the max().

last_master_timestamp == 0 (an "impossible" timestamp 1970) is a
special marker to say "consider we have caught up".
protocol->store((longlong)(mi->rli.last_master_timestamp ?
max(0, time_diff) : 0));
} 可见Seconds_Behind_Master的计算规则正如文档中所描述,其值可能为NULL、0、大于0。



现在我准备使用pt-heartbeat来做主从延迟监控,但得先在开发环境部署下,看看是否有遇到什么坑。这里我使用了MySQL Docker镜像来搭建测试环境很方便。


docker run -v /root/test/my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf –name master -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql/mysql-server:5.5
docker run -v /root/test/slave.cnf:/etc/my.cnf –name slave -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql/mysql-server:5.5

docker exec -it master bash
mysql -uroot -p123456


pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –update -h -u test_dev -p 123 –daemonize –create-table

pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev –daemonize -p 123 > delay.log
关于使用到的参数,请自行查看pt-heartbeat文档。这里有一点需要提醒的是,如果执行pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev -p 123 > delay.log,即不以守护进程运行,且把标准输出重定向到文件delay.log中,当我们执行tail -f delay.log时,并不能看到一行行的输出记录,而会看到一段段的输出,每一段之间的输出会相隔挺久的。这是因为输出到文件delay.log的内容被缓冲起来了,如果执行``pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev -p 123`,我们会看到记录一行行地在终端上输出:

bash# ./pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev -p 123
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
这是因为标准输出默认是行缓冲,关于IO缓冲可自行查看《UNIX环境高级编程》P116 或Google一下。但我发现执行pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev –daemonize -p 123 > delay.log,即作为守护进程运行时,tail -f delay.log看到的却是一行行的输出记录,这是为何?按理说应该是一段段的输出才对,于是粗略看了下pt-heartbeat的源码,在其daemonize函数中,有这样一行代码:$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1;,这行代码就是用于开启自动冲洗流,相关文档:Special Variables



my $output = time . ‘ ‘ . sprintf $format, $delay, @vals, $pk_val;

$get_delay = sub {
my ($sth) = @_;
PTDEBUG && _d($sth->{Statement});
my ($ts, $hostname, $server_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $now = time;
PTDEBUG && _d(“Heartbeat from server”, $server_id, “\n”,
“ now:”, ts($now, $utc), “\n”,
“ ts:”, $ts, “\n”,
“skew:”, $skew);
my $delay = $now - unix_timestamp($ts, $utc) - $skew;
PTDEBUG && _d(‘Delay’, sprintf(‘%.6f’, $delay), ‘on’, $hostname);

# Because we adjust for skew, if the ts are less than skew seconds
# apart (i.e. replication is very fast) then delay will be negative.
# So it's effectively 0 seconds of lag.
$delay = 0.00 if $delay < 0;

return ($delay, $hostname, $pk_val, $now);// 多返回一个值$now,用于计算延迟的时间戳 };

if ( $o->get(‘monitor’) ) {
$heartbeat_sth ||= $dbh->prepare($heartbeat_sql);
my ($delay, $hostname, $master_server_id, $curr_time) = $get_delay->($heartbeat_sth);//增加$curr_time变量接收

unshift @samples, $delay;
pop @samples if @samples > $limit;

# Calculate and print results
my @vals = map {
my $bound = min($_, scalar(@samples));
sum(@samples[0 .. $bound-1]) / $_;
} @$frames;

my $output = $curr_time . ' ' . sprintf $format, $delay, @vals, $pk_val;//将时间戳加入到输出结果中

...... } 现在的输出结果如下:

./pt-heartbeat -D delay_test –monitor –frames 5s,15s,30s -h -u test_dev -p 123

1480511974.5048 0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
1480511975.5018 0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
1480511976.50172 0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
1480511977.50172 0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]
1480511978.50182 0.00s [ 0.00s, 0.00s, 0.00s ]


input {
file {
path => “/path_to_log/delay-*.log”
filter {
# add host info
mutate {
remove_field => [“host”]
# 我是在一台机器上启动多个pt-heartbeat进程监测多台从库的,log文件名为delay-{从库ip}.log
grok {
match => { “path” => “%{GREEDYDATA}/delay-%{GREEDYDATA:host}.log” }
# 解析监测的日志文件
grok {
match => [ “message”, “%{NUMBER:timestamp:int} %{NUMBER:currentDelay:float}s [\s+%{NUMBER:SecondDelay5:float}s,\s+%{NUMBER:SecondDelay15:float}s,\s+%{NUMBER:SecondDelay30:float}s\s+]” ]
# 以监测日志中的时间戳为准
date {
match => [ “timestamp”, “UNIX” ]
remove_field => [ “timestamp” ]
mutate {
remove_field => [“@version”, “message”, “tags”, “path”]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [“”]
index => “log_mysql_repl_delay-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}”
document_type => “%{+YYYY.MM.dd}”
workers => 2
idle_flush_time => 5
# 测试使用
#stdout {
# codec => rubydebug


Category storage