cachetool 非php环境操作apcu
当然除了重启php-fpm的进程可以清理opcache缓存外,opcache本身是支持清除缓存的。手动清理缓存涉及到的opcache函数主要为:opcache_reset()和opcache_invalidate() 。 但是opcache_reset()是php中的函数,需要在php脚本中执行,另外当PHP以PHP-FPM的方式运行的时候,opcache的缓存是无法通过php命令进行清除的,只能通过http或cgi到php-fpm进程的方式来清除缓存。
如果是unix sock方式也可以
php cachetool.phar opcache:status –fcgi=/var/run/php5-fpm.sock

而opcache_invalidate 废除指定脚本缓存是使指定脚本的字节码缓存失效。可用于明确更新的代码文件列表时使用,但不方便清除整个脚本的缓存。cachetool使用起来也非常方便。如下:

sudo mkdir /opt/modules/cachetool
cd /opt/modules/cachetool
sudo curl -sO
sudo chmod +x cachetool.phar
[onlinedev@BFG-OSER-4471 ~]$ php /opt/modules/cachetool/cachetool.phar opcache:configuration –fcgi=
Zend OPcache 7.0.10
| Directive | Value |
| opcache.enable | true |
| opcache.enable_cli | false |
| opcache.use_cwd | true |
| opcache.validate_timestamps | true |
| opcache.inherited_hack | true |
| opcache.dups_fix | false |
| opcache.revalidate_path | false |
| opcache.log_verbosity_level | 1 |
| opcache.memory_consumption | 1073741824 |
| opcache.interned_strings_buffer | 30 |
| opcache.max_accelerated_files | 4000 |
| opcache.max_wasted_percentage | 0.050000000000000003 |
| opcache.consistency_checks | 0 |
| opcache.force_restart_timeout | 180 |
| opcache.revalidate_freq | 180 |
| opcache.preferred_memory_model | ‘’ |
| opcache.blacklist_filename | ‘’ |
| opcache.max_file_size | 0 |
| opcache.error_log | ‘’ |
| opcache.protect_memory | false |
| opcache.save_comments | false |
| opcache.fast_shutdown | true |
| opcache.enable_file_override | false |
| opcache.optimization_level | 2147467263 |
| opcache.lockfile_path | ‘/tmp’ |
| opcache.file_cache | ‘’ |
| opcache.file_cache_only | false |
| opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks | true |
[onlinedev@BFG-OSER-4471 ~]$ php /opt/modules/cachetool/cachetool.phar opcache:status:scripts –fcgi=
| Hits | Memory | Filename |
| 8 | 4.16 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php |
| 8 | 5.95 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/www/index.php |
| 8 | 23.85 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/conf/Config.php |
| 8 | 848 b | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/vendor/autoload.php |
| 8 | 84.88 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/lib/util/Params.php |
| 8 | 30.48 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/lib/Log.php |
| 8 | 6.34 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php |
| 8 | 51.69 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/app/controller/DebugController.php |
| 8 | 6.48 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/lib/Controller.php |
| 8 | 23.84 KiB | /opt/data/api/revs/r201710111538_1367/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php |
[onlinedev@BFG-OSER-4471 ~]$ php /opt/modules/cachetool/cachetool.phar opcache:status –fcgi=

| Name | Value |
| Enabled | Yes |
| Cache full | No |
| Restart pending | No |
| Restart in progress | No |
| Memory used | 66.66 MiB |
| Memory free | 957.34 MiB |
| Memory wasted (%) | 0 b (0%) |
| Strings buffer size | 30 MiB |
| Strings memory used | 221.27 KiB |
| Strings memory free | 29.78 MiB |
| Number of strings | 5501 |
| Cached scripts | 10 |
| Cached keys | 16 |
| Max cached keys | 7963 |
| Start time | Wed, 11 Oct 2017 03:30:16 +0000 |
| Last restart time | Wed, 11 Oct 2017 07:38:20 +0000 |
| Oom restarts | 0 |
| Hash restarts | 0 |
| Manual restarts | 4 |
| Hits | 100 |
| Misses | 22 |
| Blacklist misses (%) | 0 (0%) |
| Opcache hit rate | 81.967213114754 |
[onlinedev@BFG-OSER-4471 ~]$ php /opt/modules/cachetool/cachetool.phar opcache:reset –fcgi=

#再次查看opcache缓存信息,会发现Cached scripts已被清空。

[onlinedev@BFG-OSER-4471 ~]$ php /opt/modules/cachetool/cachetool.phar opcache:status –fcgi=

| Name | Value |
| Enabled | Yes |
| Cache full | No |
| Restart pending | No |
| Restart in progress | No |
| Memory used | 66.43 MiB |
| Memory free | 957.57 MiB |
| Memory wasted (%) | 0 b (0%) |
| Strings buffer size | 30 MiB |
| Strings memory used | 171.92 KiB |
| Strings memory free | 29.83 MiB |
| Number of strings | 4283 |
| Cached scripts | 0 |
| Cached keys | 0 |
| Max cached keys | 7963 |
| Start time | Wed, 11 Oct 2017 03:30:16 +0000 |
| Last restart time | Wed, 11 Oct 2017 08:36:17 +0000 |
| Oom restarts | 0 |
| Hash restarts | 0 |
| Manual restarts | 5 |
| Hits | 0 |
| Misses | 2 |
| Blacklist misses (%) | 0 (0%) |
| Opcache hit rate | 0 |
+———————-+———————————+ cachetool除了可操作opcache缓存外,还可以操作apc缓存。所有的方法列表如下.
apc:bin:dump Get a binary dump of files and user variables
apc:bin:load Load a binary dump into the APC file and user variables
apc:cache:clear Clears APC cache (user, system or all)
apc:cache:info Shows APC user & system cache information
apc:cache:info:file Shows APC file cache information
apc:key:delete Deletes an APC key
apc:key:exists Checks if an APC key exists
apc:key:fetch Shows the content of an APC key
apc:key:store Store an APC key with given value
apc:sma:info Show APC shared memory allocation information
opcache:configuration Get configuration information about the cache
opcache:reset Resets the contents of the opcode cache
opcache:status Show summary information about the opcode cache
opcache:status:scripts Show scripts in the opcode cache

Category php