mixin trait 多继承


The developers of the Java language were well-versed in C++ and other languages that include multiple inheritance, whereby classes can inherit from an arbitrary number of parents. One of the problems with multiple inheritance is that it’s impossible to determine which parent inherited functionality is derived from. This problem is called the diamond problem (see Resources). The diamond problem and other complexities that are inherent in multiple inheritance inspired the Java language designers to opt for single inheritance plus interfaces.

Interfaces define semantics but not behavior. They work well for defining method signatures and data abstractions, and all of the Java.next languages support Java interfaces with no essential changes. However, some cross-cutting concerns don’t fit into a single-inheritance-plus-interfaces model.

在Java 中,一个类可以实现任意数量的接口。这个模型在声明一个类实现多个抽象的时候非常有用。不幸的是,它也有一个主要缺点。对于许多接口,大多数功能都可以用对于所有使用这个接口的类都有效的“样板”代码来实现。Java 没有提供一个内置机制来定义和使用这些可重用代码。相反的,Java 程序员必须使用一个特别的转换来重用一个已知接口的实现。在最坏的情况下,程序员必须复制粘贴同样的代码到不同的类中去。


Scala trait
class Person ; //实验用的空类

trait TTeacher extends Person {

def teach //虚方法,没有实现  


trait TPianoPlayer extends Person {

def playPiano = {println("I’m playing piano. ")} //实方法,已实现  


class PianoplayingTeacher extends Person with TTeacher with TPianoPlayer {

def teach = {println("I’m teaching students. ")} //定义虚方法的实现  


PHP traits
// the template
trait TSingleton {
private static $_instance = null;

public static function getInstance() {
if (null === self::$_instance)
self::$_instance = new self();

return self::$_instance;   } } class FrontController {   use TSingleton; } // can also be used in already extended classes class WebSite extends SomeClass {   use TSingleton; }

Ruby mixin
module Foo
def bar
puts “foo”;

class Demo
include Foo


2)“Mixins may contain state, (traditional) traits don’t.”这个区别比较弱,事实上Scala中Trait已经可以保存状态了(成员变量);
3)“Mixins use “implicit conflict resolution”, traits use “explicit conflict resolution””。这个区别可能是个明显的区别;但是如果某个语言它可以让Trait implicit resolve,那也没什么大不了。
4)“Mixins depends on linearization, traits are flattened.”这个区别可能有。至少Scala里面貌似Trait是Flattened处理的,跟Java嵌套类差不多


当我们考虑是否一个“概念”应该成为一个Trait 或者一个类的时候,记住作为混入的Trait 对于“附属”行为来说最有意义。如果你发现某一个Trait 经常作为其它类的父类来用,导致子类会有像父Trait 那样的行为,那么考虑把它定义为一个类吧,让这段逻辑关系更加清晰


The developers of the Java language were well-versed in C++ and other languages that include multiple inheritance, whereby classes can inherit from an arbitrary number of parents. One of the problems with multiple inheritance is that it’s impossible to determine which parent inherited functionality is derived from. This problem is called the diamond problem (see Resources). The diamond problem and other complexities that are inherent in multiple inheritance inspired the Java language designers to opt for single inheritance plus interfaces.

Interfaces define semantics but not behavior. They work well for defining method signatures and data abstractions, and all of the Java.next languages support Java interfaces with no essential changes. However, some cross-cutting concerns don’t fit into a single-inheritance-plus-interfaces model.

在Java 中,一个类可以实现任意数量的接口。这个模型在声明一个类实现多个抽象的时候非常有用。不幸的是,它也有一个主要缺点。对于许多接口,大多数功能都可以用对于所有使用这个接口的类都有效的“样板”代码来实现。Java 没有提供一个内置机制来定义和使用这些可重用代码。相反的,Java 程序员必须使用一个特别的转换来重用一个已知接口的实现。在最坏的情况下,程序员必须复制粘贴同样的代码到不同的类中去。

现在排名靠前的面向对象的编程语言中,Java、C#等都是以单继承+接口来实现面向对象,但是这在一定程序了稀释了继承的力量, 因为在业内推荐以组合的方式使用类。这在一些常见的设计模式中有明显的体现,想想在GOF的23个设计模式中有多少个是使用了继承的呢? 大多数是以接口+组合的方式实现。其实作为一个类来说,它也比较难做,即要能代码复用,又得被实例化,偏向谁呢? 这个时候Mixin可能就有一些用武之地了。

Mixin最早起源于一个Lisp,Mixin鼓励代码重用,Mixin可以实现运行时的方法绑定,虽然类的属性和实例参数仍然是在编译时定义。 在面向对象编程语言,Mixin是一个提供了一些被用于继承或在子类中重用的功能的类,它类似于一种多继承, 但是实际上它是一种中小粒度的代码复用单元,而不直接用于实例化。 虽然这不是一种专业的方式进行功能复用,这在实现多继承的同时,在一定程序上避免了多继承的明显问题。

PHP和Java类似,也是单继承+接口。 我们知道,一个类可以实现任意数量的接口,这对一个类需要实现多个抽象的时候非常有用。 然而,对于要实现了多个接口的类,每个类都需要实现这些接口,而大多数情况下,这些接口都是可以共用的。 PHP并没有提供内置机制来定义和使用这些可重用代码,虽然我们可以对一地些接口使用一个抽象类来共用代码,但是如果这些类必须继承另一个抽象类呢? 就算是可以通过抽象类的多次继承实现代码的共用,但是整个继承体系将会变得非常复杂,如果不能实现重用,那么可能我们只得CTRL + C 和 CTRL + V了。 大多数的情况下我们其实只是需要重用一些代码而已。

虽然PHP在之前没有提供完善的解决方案,但在新发布PHP5.4中,出现了一个关键字trait。 通过这个关键字我们可以定义抽象为一个Trait



Mixins may contain state, (traditional) traits don’t.
Mixins use “implicit conflict resolution”, traits use “explicit conflict resolution”
Mixins depends on linearization, traits are flattened.


ad 1. In mixins you can define instance variables. Traits do not allow this. The state must be provided by composing class (=class using the traits)

ad 2. There may be the name conflict. Two mixins (MA and MB) or traits (TA and TB) define method with the same definition foo():void.

Mixin MA {
foo():void {
print ‘hello’

Mixin MB {
foo():void {
print ‘bye’

Trait TA {
foo():void {
print ‘hello’

Trait TB {
foo():void {
print ‘bye’
In mixins the conflicts in composing class C mixins MA, MB are resolved implicitly.

Class C mixins MA, MB {
bar():void {
This will call foo():void from MA

On the other hand while using Traits, composing class has to resolve conflicts.

Class C mixins TA, TB {
bar():void {
This code will raise conflict (two definitions of foo():void).

ad 3. The semantics of a method does not depend of whether it is defined in a trait or in a class that uses the trait.

In other words, it does not matter wheter the class consists of the Traits or the Traits code is “copy - pasted” into the class.


如果我们有两个类:class A {
public f();
public g();
private int a;
private int b;

class B {
public h();
private int x;
};在组合这两个类的所有方法中,一个极端是仅仅把两个类的对象组合起来,并且给两个类的公开方法都作转发:class AplusB {
public f() { a.f(); }
public g() { a.g(); }
public h() { b.h(); }
private A a;
private B b;
};特点是:完全不破坏封装(不需要了解A和B的实现)。只需要解决A和B公开方法的名字冲突。另一个极端是把两个类的实现拷贝粘贴在一起:class AplusB {
public f();
public g();
public h();
private int a;
private int b;
private int x;

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