type NewUserRequest struct {
Username string validate:"min=3,max=40,regexp=^[a-zA-Z]*$"
Name string validate:"nonzero"
Age int validate:"min=21"
Password string validate:"min=8"
nur := NewUserRequest{Username: “something”, Age: 20}
if errs := validator.Validate(nur); errs != nil {
// values not valid, deal with errors here
使用validate作为 tag 的名字,然后以逗号分隔验证逻辑,然后对于这样的 struct 值,调用validator.Validate(nur)验证
本包有 6 个内置的验证函数,并且可以手动添加自定义的验证函数
我们在定义 struct 的时候可以使用validate作为 tag 的名字添加一些验证规则,然后使用validator.Validate(nur)验证数据是否满足我们定义的规则,如果不满足的话,就会返回 err
显然第一步就是,使用reflect将每个 field 的 tag 取出来,我们规定你必须使用 validate 作为 tag 的名字,这样我们就能拿到规则了
然后我们规定多个规则使用逗号分隔,这样我们就可以对于一个 field,可以拿到一组规则了(可以是 0 个,1 个,任意多个)
接下来就是遍历获取到的规则,执行当前规则对于当前值的校验,很显然,这里有这几个因素:field 的值 + 规则
在本包里面,他把规则解释为一个函数,所以还需要有函数的参数(这里脑洞开大一点:其实不仅仅可以是函数,可以自定义语言?但是成本太大:开发成本和用户学习成本;同一个 field 的不同规则之间可以相互作用?)
ok,所以现在一个规则有这么几个因素:field 值 + 规则函数 + 规则参数
那接下来就很好办了,就是调用这个给定的规则函数,参数是 field 值 + 给定的规则参数,看看合不合法,也就是返回一个 error
甚至我们到这里已经可以猜出规则函数的函数签名了:func(v interface{}, param string) error,第一个参数是 field 值,第二个参数是规则参数
1 遍历
使用包的入口是 validator.Validate,也就是func (mv *Validator) Validate(v interface{}) error
sv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
st := reflect.TypeOf(v)
这个方法里面使用reflect包遍历reflect.Type.NumField(),然后使用reflect.Type.Field(i).Tag获得了各个 field 的 tag
对于 reflect.Value.Kind() 为指针的处理方式,递归 .Elem().Interface()
if sv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !sv.IsNil() {
return mv.Validate(sv.Elem().Interface()) // 递归
reflect.Value.Kind() 需要是 reflect.Struct 或者 reflect.Interface
if sv.Kind() != reflect.Struct && sv.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
return ErrUnsupported
ok,然后接下来就是遍历所有的 field 进行验证了,所有的验证规则都没有返回 err,那么就返回 nil
2 每个 field 的处理
首先,只支持 exported 的字段:
if !unicode.IsUpper(rune(st.Field(i).Name[0])) {
处理 field 仍然是指针:
对于 reflect.Value.Field(i).Kind() 为指针的处理方式,一直取 .Elem()
f := sv.Field(i)
for f.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !f.IsNil() {
f = f.Elem()
然后获取 tag 的值(其实这里我认为应该用 lookup)
tag := st.Field(i).Tag.Get(mv.tagName)
跳过 -
if tag == “-“ {
然后用规则去验证,代码: err := mv.Valid(f.Interface(), tag)
然后验证 TODO,代码 mv.deepValidateCollection(f, fname, m)
结束,返回 err 或者 nil
3 处理每个 tag 不为空的 field
调用func (mv *Validator) Valid(val interface{}, tags string)
这个函数是干嘛的呢:这个函数的第一个参数不要求是 struct 了,根据提供的 tag 进行验证
跳过 -
v := reflect.ValueOf(val)
处理指针:对于 reflect.Value.Kind() 为指针的处理方式,递归 .Elem().Interface()
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
return mv.Valid(v.Elem().Interface(), tags)
然后调用func (mv *Validator) validateVar(v interface{}, tag string) error处理
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Invalid:
err = mv.validateVar(nil, tags)
err = mv.validateVar(val, tags)
在 validateVar 中:首先将 tag 解析为 n 个规则(每个规则包括函数,函数名称,参数),然后遍历调用这些规则
for _, t := range tags {
if err := t.Fn(v, t.Param); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
4 处理所有的 field
调用func (mv *Validator) deepValidateCollection(f reflect.Value, fname string, m ErrorMap)
刚刚处理了所有 tag 不为空的 field,但是还需要处理所有的 field,比如 []AxxxStruct这个 field 的 tag 就是空,但是他里面的AxxxStruct的 tag 不为空
这个方法的最后一个参数一个 err 的 map,以在递归的过程中拿到所有的 error
4.1 struct,interface,ptr
调用func (mv *Validator) Validate(v interface{}) error,已经在上面讲过了,就是入口函数
相当于:struct 的 struct 的 struct,递归调用 Validate 去处理
4.2 array,slice
对于每个元素递归调用 deepValidateCollection
4.3 map
对于 key 和 map 递归调用 deepValidateCollection
diff –git validator.go validator.go
index a23f3ee..d1ed91c 100644
— validator.go
+++ validator.go
@@ -1,369 +1,401 @@
// Package validator implements value validations
// Copyright 2014 Roberto Teixeira
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validator
import (
// TextErr is an error that also implements the TextMarshaller interface for
// serializing out to various plain text encodings. Packages creating their
// own custom errors should use TextErr if they’re intending to use serializing
// formats like json, msgpack etc.
type TextErr struct {
Err error
// Error implements the error interface.
func (t TextErr) Error() string {
return t.Err.Error()
// MarshalText implements the TextMarshaller
func (t TextErr) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.Err.Error()), nil
var (
// ErrZeroValue is the error returned when variable has zero valud
// and nonzero was specified
ErrZeroValue = TextErr{errors.New(“zero value”)}
// ErrMin is the error returned when variable is less than mininum
// value specified
ErrMin = TextErr{errors.New(“less than min”)}
// ErrMax is the error returned when variable is more than
// maximum specified
ErrMax = TextErr{errors.New(“greater than max”)}
// ErrLen is the error returned when length is not equal to
// param specified
ErrLen = TextErr{errors.New(“invalid length”)}
// ErrRegexp is the error returned when the value does not
// match the provided regular expression parameter
ErrRegexp = TextErr{errors.New(“regular expression mismatch”)}
// ErrUnsupported is the error error returned when a validation rule
// is used with an unsupported variable type
ErrUnsupported = TextErr{errors.New(“unsupported type”)}
// ErrBadParameter is the error returned when an invalid parameter
// is provided to a validation rule (e.g. a string where an int was
// expected (max=foo,len=bar) or missing a parameter when one is required (len=))
ErrBadParameter = TextErr{errors.New(“bad parameter”)}
// ErrUnknownTag is the error returned when an unknown tag is found
ErrUnknownTag = TextErr{errors.New(“unknown tag”)}
// ErrInvalid is the error returned when variable is invalid
// (normally a nil pointer)
ErrInvalid = TextErr{errors.New(“invalid value”)}
// ErrorMap is a map which contains all errors from validating a struct.
type ErrorMap map[string]ErrorArray
// ErrorMap implements the Error interface so we can check error against nil.
// The returned error is if existent the first error which was added to the map.
func (err ErrorMap) Error() string {
for k, errs := range err {
if len(errs) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(“%s: %s”, k, errs.Error())
return "" }
// ErrorArray is a slice of errors returned by the Validate function.
type ErrorArray []error
// ErrorArray implements the Error interface and returns the first error as
// string if existent.
func (err ErrorArray) Error() string {
if len(err) > 0 {
return err[0].Error()
return “”
+// 上面自定义了三个error: TextErr ErrorMap ErrorArray
// ValidationFunc is a function that receives the value of a
// field and a parameter used for the respective validation tag.
type ValidationFunc func(v interface{}, param string) error
// Validator implements a validator
type Validator struct {
// Tag name being used.
// Helper validator so users can use the
// functions directly from the package
+// 默认验证器,tag是validate,验证函数有内置的5个:nonzero len min max regexp
var defaultValidator = NewValidator()
// NewValidator creates a new Validator
func NewValidator() *Validator {
return &Validator{
tagName: “validate”,
validationFuncs: map[string]ValidationFunc{
“nonzero”: nonzero,
“len”: length,
“min”: min,
“max”: max,
“regexp”: regex,
// SetTag allows you to change the tag name used in structs
+// 切换验证所使用的tag
func SetTag(tag string) {
// SetTag allows you to change the tag name used in structs
func (mv *Validator) SetTag(tag string) {
mv.tagName = tag
// WithTag creates a new Validator with the new tag name. It is
// useful to chain-call with Validate so we don’t change the tag
// name permanently: validator.WithTag(“foo”).Validate(t)
+// 和SetTag一样,是链式调用,并且不会改变原来的验证器的tag值
func WithTag(tag string) *Validator {
return defaultValidator.WithTag(tag)
// WithTag creates a new Validator with the new tag name. It is
// useful to chain-call with Validate so we don’t change the tag
// name permanently: validator.WithTag(“foo”).Validate(t)
func (mv *Validator) WithTag(tag string) *Validator {
v := mv.copy()
return v
// Copy a validator
+// 克隆验证器
func (mv *Validator) copy() *Validator {
newFuncs := map[string]ValidationFunc{}
for k, f := range mv.validationFuncs {
newFuncs[k] = f
return &Validator{
tagName: mv.tagName,
validationFuncs: newFuncs,
// SetValidationFunc sets the function to be used for a given
// validation constraint. Calling this function with nil vf
// is the same as removing the constraint function from the list.
+// 添加自定义的验证函数,或者删除某一个验证函数(函数为nil的情况)
func SetValidationFunc(name string, vf ValidationFunc) error {
return defaultValidator.SetValidationFunc(name, vf)
// SetValidationFunc sets the function to be used for a given
// validation constraint. Calling this function with nil vf
// is the same as removing the constraint function from the list.
func (mv *Validator) SetValidationFunc(name string, vf ValidationFunc) error {
if name == “” {
return errors.New(“name cannot be empty”)
if vf == nil {
delete(mv.validationFuncs, name)
return nil
mv.validationFuncs[name] = vf
return nil
// Validate validates the fields of a struct based
// on ‘validator’ tags and returns errors found indexed
// by the field name.
+// 基于 validator 的tag对struct进行校验
func Validate(v interface{}) error {
return defaultValidator.Validate(v)
// Validate validates the fields of a struct based
// on ‘validator’ tags and returns errors found indexed
// by the field name.
func (mv *Validator) Validate(v interface{}) error {
sv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
st := reflect.TypeOf(v)
// reflect.Value.Kind() 需要是 reflect.Struct 或者 reflect.Interface
if sv.Kind() != reflect.Struct && sv.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
return ErrUnsupported
// 只处理exported的field
// 跳过 -
var errs ErrorArray
// reflect.Value.Field(i).Interface() 对应的field的值 ,以及tag的名字,使用.Valid进行校验
err := mv.Valid(f.Interface(), tag)
if errors, ok := err.(ErrorArray); ok {
errs = errors
} else {
if err != nil {
errs = ErrorArray{err}
mv.deepValidateCollection(f, fname, m) // no-op if field is not a struct, interface, array, slice or map
if len(errs) > 0 {
m[st.Field(i).Name] = errs
if len(m) > 0 {
return m
return nil }
func (mv *Validator) deepValidateCollection(f reflect.Value, fname string, m ErrorMap) {
switch f.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct, reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
// Valid validates a value based on the provided
// tags and returns errors found or nil.
+// 这个验证的范围更大,可以在所有类型上验证,并且可以指定tag的值
func Valid(val interface{}, tags string) error {
return defaultValidator.Valid(val, tags)
// Valid validates a value based on the provided
// tags and returns errors found or nil.
func (mv *Validator) Valid(val interface{}, tags string) error {
if tags == “-“ {
// validateVar validates one single variable
func (mv *Validator) validateVar(v interface{}, tag string) error {
tags, err := mv.parseTags(tag)
if err != nil {
// unknown tag found, give up.
return err
errs := make(ErrorArray, 0, len(tags))
for _, t := range tags {
if err := t.Fn(v, t.Param); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
// tag represents one of the tag items
+// 一个tag计算式,有名字,函数,参数
type tag struct {
Name string // name of the tag
Fn ValidationFunc // validation function to call
Param string // parameter to send to the validation function
// separate by no escaped commas
var sepPattern *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*),
func splitUnescapedComma(str string) []string {
ret := []string{}
indexes := sepPattern.FindAllStringIndex(str, -1)
last := 0
for _, is := range indexes {
ret = append(ret, str[last:is[1]-1])
last = is[1]
ret = append(ret, str[last:])
return ret
// parseTags parses all individual tags found within a struct tag.
func (mv *Validator) parseTags(t string) ([]tag, error) {
tl := splitUnescapedComma(t)
fmt.Printf(“tl %v\n”, tl)
tags := make([]tag, 0, len(tl))
for _, i := range tl {
i = strings.Replace(i, \,
, “,”, -1)
tg := tag{}
v := strings.SplitN(i, “=”, 2)
tg.Name = strings.Trim(v[0], “ “)
if tg.Name == “” {
return []tag{}, ErrUnknownTag
if len(v) > 1 {
tg.Param = strings.Trim(v[1], “ “)
var found bool
if tg.Fn, found = mv.validationFuncs[tg.Name]; !found {
return []tag{}, ErrUnknownTag
tags = append(tags, tg)
return tags, nil
type Class struct {
Cid int64 validate:"required||integer=10000,_"
Cname string validate:"required||string=1,5||unique"
BeginTime string validate:"required||datetime=H:i"
type Student struct {
Uid int64 validate:"required||integer=10000,_"
Name string validate:"required||string=1,5"
Age int64 validate:"required||integer=10,30"
Sex string validate:"required||in=male,female"
Email string validate:"email||user||vm"
PersonalPage string validate:"url"
Hobby []string validate:"array=_,2||unique||in=swimming,running,drawing"
CreateTime string validate:"datetime"
Class []Class validate:"array=1,3"
required 判断字段对应的值是否是对应类型的零值
integer 表示字段类型是否是整数类型,如果integer后边不接=?,?,那么表示只判断是否是整数类型,如果后边接=?,?,那么有四种写法
(1). integer=10 表示字段值 = 10
(2). integer=_ ,10 表示字段值 <= 10,字段值最小值为字段对应类型的最小值(比如字段对应类型为int8,那么最小为−128),最大值为10
(3). integer=10, _ 表示字段值 >= 10,字段值最小值为10,最大值为字段对应类型的最大值(比如字段对应类型为int8,那么最大为127)
(4). integer=1,20 表示字段值 >=1 并且 <= 20
array、string 同 integer,array=?,? 表示元素个数范围,string=?,? 表示字符串长度范围
email 表示字段值是否是合法的email地址
url 表示字段值是否是合法的url地址
in 表示字段值在in指定的值中,比如 Hobby 字段中,in=swimming,running,drawing,表示 Hobby 字段的值,只能是swimming,running,drawing中的一个或多个
datetime 表示字段值符合日期类型,如果datetime后边不接=?,那么默认为Y-m-d H:i:s,否则验证器会按照指定格式判断,比如 datetime=Y-m、datetime=Y/m/d H:i:s等,可以是Y m d H i s 的随意拼接
unique 表示字段值唯一,比如 Hobby 字段的 unique,表示 Hobby 字段值唯一,Class 中,Cname 字段的 unique,表示 Cname 字段值唯一